Friday, October 15, 2010

Angel Card Reading Oct 15, 2010

SERENITY (Card Meaning): You are moving into a time of greater inner peace and tranquility.

Peace of mind means feeling secure, and knowing that you're always provided for. Even if your logical mind cannot fathom how a challenge could be resolved, peace of mind means that you trust that God will create a miraculous solution. This sort of faith is always warranted because faith is a key component in experiencing such miracles.
By drawing this card, the angels reassure you that peace of mind is within you. You can feel serene, even in the midst of great turmoil. It's a mistake to think that you have to wait until your life is problem free before you can be happy and peaceful. The opposite is actually true. First, you work toward serenity, and then your life challenges lessen and disappear. Serenity is your natural state of mind, and the angels are now working with you to actualize this.

INTENTION (Card Meaning): Your intentions create your experiences. What do you intend to happen? Make sure that your thoughts and feelings reflect your true intentions.

By drawing this card, the angels ask you to take an inventory of your expectations. What do you expect to happen today, tomorrow, or in the future? These expectations are the seeds of your intentions. An intention means that you have set a goal and intend to achieve it.
Your intentions drive your experiences. The angles ask you to choose and infuse your intentions with love. See yourself and others as happy, successful, and peaceful. By holding these spiritually minded intentions, you help yourself and others. The angels can help you replace negative mental habits with more empowering thoughts, if you ask for their assistance.

HARMONY (Card Meaning): Conflict is resolved in a situation that was troubling you. Know that you deserve this peace and happiness, and accept it graciously.

Beloved Child of God, you are a peace-lover at heart. This card comes to you as a sign of new harmony that dawns upon you. Let go of viewing the situation as troubled, and see yourself and others through the eyes of your guardian angels. In this way, you'll look past the surface and see the beauty and light that eternally shines within everyone.
By shifting your viewpoint to the angelic perspective, you become an Earth Angel. Holding an elevated viewpoint sparks miraculous healing's in all of your relationships. Conflict drops away, revealing the clean and new truth about everyone and everything.

NEW BEGINNINGS (Card Meaning): A clean slate is presented to you as you now encounter fresh opportunities and novel experiences.

Embrace the new in your life, including new opportunities, people and projects. The angels know that change can be frightening, and they surround you now with loving energy. Carll upon them whenever you feel afraid of facing novel situations. They will boost your confidence and energy so that you can enjoy your new beginning.
Sometimes we cling to old routines because they are familiar. By drawing this card, the angels ask you to be open to new approaches to life. Perhaps they will teach you a new way of looking at situations. Or maybe they will call on you to learn a new skill. Whatever the new beginning is for you, allow yourself to be stretched by the fresh circumstances. We learn about ourselves through new experiences.

Blessings In Your Day

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